CHCA Jr. High Football vs. Clark (8th) and New Richmond (7th)

The undefeated CHCA 8th Grade team played the undefeated Clark. CHCA won. What a game! Clark was a formidable opponent. (Clark is in white uniforms. New Richmond, the 7th graders, are in red, some of whom you'll see below.)

CHCA Jr. High Football

The white-uniformed player was a powerhouse. When he hit a player, you could hear the impact from half way across the field. It took four guys to finally get him down during this play.

CHCA Jr. High Football

CHCA Jr. High Football

CHCA Jr. High Football

CHCA Jr. High Football

CHCA Jr. High Football

CHCA Jr. High Football

CHCA Jr. High Football

CHCA Jr. High Football

CHCA Jr. High Football

CHCA Jr. High Football

CHCA Jr. High Football

CHCA Jr. High Football

CHCA Jr. High Football

CHCA Jr. High Football

CHCA Jr. High Football

Women's Health Experience

Please go here to view the photo gallery and to purchase prints. Go here to view the blog entry, where there are highlights of the event.

CHCA's Cotton Patch Gospel

The young thespians of CHCA will be performing their fall production, the Cotton Patch Gospel, beginning this weekend (tonight) in the Lindner Auditorium,. October 10th and 11th at 7:30 and October 12th at 3:30. You can check out the schedule of all of the CHCA fine arts performances here. The following are some highlights of the show.


Edgewood Football Parents

UPDATE: Photos are available for viewing. Go here.

The photos are currently being processed and will be available for viewing later this afternoon (Monday, October 6).

If you wish to be notified directly when the photos are available for viewing, register your email address here.

Enjoy some highlights of the day.